
Water Bottle


2016 – 2018

After years in the in­du­stry, our client be­came in­creas­ingly dis­traught by the dis­con­nect betwe­en hotel manage­ment sys­tems and the actual needs of hotels and their staff. The sys­tems were com­plex, cumber­some and built on out­dated soft­ware para­digms not al­low­ing hotel staff to focus on what’s impor­tant — their guests. This in­sight led to the per­haps blunt, but to the point brief: Design the future of hotel manage­ment.

With the ambition to disrupt an indu­stry with an intel­ligent hotel manage­ment system we tap­ped in to the vast exp­erience of our client and dev­elop­ed a thesis on how a modern take on user exp­erience could lit­eral­ly deliver indus­try re­defin­ing func­tion­ality. On this found­ation we ideated and benchmarked our find­ings with func­tion­al proto­types tested in real world scen­arios with real on the ground in­du­stry profes­sionals. From this we set out to build the actual prod­uct — the min­i­mum lovable service — a system built on a modern tech stack that al­lowed us to con­text­ual­ise our persona based ap­proach with an honest an pur­pose­ful modern design system which was op­ti­mised for max­imum mod­ul­arity, scalab­il­ity and usa­bil­ity. Our final in­sight, which lead to the real­isa­tion that the sys­tem itself should dic­tate the brand iden­ti­ty, was that the exp­erience of the system is the iden­ti­ty, which in turn gave birth to the com­pany name — Intellotel.

Brand Identity
Design System
User Experience
User Research
System Development
API Development
System Integration
Max Mustermann
CEO & Partner
+49 346783904
[email protected]
VISIT — Munich
Nymphenburger Str. 105
80636 Munich
Karim Khamis